Forgotten Fruit Bread
Forgotten Fruit Bread
7500g 75% flour
2500g 25% Multicereal D25
700g 7% fresh yeast(*)
200g 2% salt
5500g 55% water
50g 0.5% Gamma 500
300g 3% sugar
300 g 3% margarine
1000g 10% dates
1000g 10%. figs
1000g 10% cranberry(**)
1500g 15% raisins
* Or instant yeast 1/3 of fresh yeast
** soaked
•Mix the ingredients to a well developed dough
•Mix in the filling directly
•Dough temperature 26ºc
•Scaling weight 450grams
•Intermediate proof 30 minutes
•Mould and place in the special wooden moulds.
•Final proof 60 minutes
•Before baking dust slighlty with rye flour and cut lengthwise.
Baking temperature 200ºc.
Baking time 35 minutes.
Yields 67 pieces.